Biscuit cut slices from award winning whole country ham cured the old fashion way. At a time when everything is fast paced, we still cute our hams the slow, old-fashion way. We hand rub each of our fresh hams with our special cure mixture, and place them in our refrigerated curing room in oak bins. After a few days in this cute, each ham is hand rubbed a second time and returned to the curing room where they stay for a total of 40 to 45 days. At this stage of the curing process, the hams are washed of excess salt and placed in equalization. This process allows the cure mixture to equalize throughout the whole ham giving it a consistent flavor. After equalization, the hams are hung in the drying/aging room at a temperature of 80 to 85 degrees for 25 to 35 days. This is where the old time southern flavor of the country ham is achieved. For a more aged, robust flavor, we age the hams longer.
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